Share Your Thoughts

Funds raised by 1200 people

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Feel free to share your thoughts anonymously.

Your Thoughts

Take a moment to reflect, to pour out your thoughts, dreams, and struggles. Whether it's a joyous triumph or a heavy burden, your voice matters here. No masks, no facades—just pure, unfiltered expression.

By embracing anonymity, Sukoon aims to alleviate the weight on your shoulders, providing a channel for catharsis, connection, and support. Your words could be a beacon of hope for someone else navigating a similar path.

So, take a deep breath, release the weight, and share your story. Your anonymity is guarded, your voice is heard, and your journey towards mental wellness begins here. Together, let's create a community built on empathy, understanding, and healing. For we at Sukoon believe that ‘Its okay not to be okay."

Note: Fill the submission suggestions above to share your thoughts and post your blog on our site.